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John De La Paz, D'Addario Woodwinds, clarinet

The D’Addario Woodwinds Clinician Program creates a more enjoyable music-making experience for single-reed players through exploring equipment and pedagogy. Available throughout the United States and Europe, free presentations and product trials are available for woodwind days, festivals, conservatory meetings, and retail events. In addition to woodwinds educational material, our trained experts are skilled in speaking on behalf of the woodwind products industry – providing information on how reeds and mouthpieces are made, storage, innovations in manufacturing, and how to choose the right accessories to meet one’s personal needs. Each event attendee will be given free reed samples and an opportunity to test the latest mouthpieces and ligature models from D’Addario Woodwinds. Products featured are Reserve reeds and mouthpieces, Select Jazz reeds and mouthpieces, and choice accessories for clarinet and saxophone.


John's goals include teaching students how to be their own best teacher. Giving students the tools necessary to be diagnosticians and artists is central to this clinic philosophy. John also incorporates a great deal of music history and theory in all of his teaching.

To book a complimentary clinic with John De La Paz, or for more information, e-mail: JDELAPAZ.DADDARIO@GMAIL.COM

John De La Paz D'Addario Clinician
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